Thursday, August 30, 2018

Something out There

 Remus Lupin singing a love song, maybe?

Blast these short days anyhow. As an early riser I resent them and bemoan the need to get back in the flashlight habit.

Especially when I am walking a Jack Russell Terrier, still half asleep in the o'dark thirty hours, and another Jack Russell Terrier barks from the heifer barnyard.

"Why is Mack down there barking?" my sleepy mind inquired of me. But, wait, what!! "If you're right here Mack, who's down there?"

It sure wasn't this guy

I know, I know, it was probably a fox, but it did NOT sound like a fox. I've heard foxes. We have lots of foxes. This thing sounded exactly like Mack does if I make the mistake of taking Finn out first...a whiny, sharp, sad, little yippy bark...not the yarring scream of a fox.

It raised the hair on the back of my neck I'll tell you. Mack went on high alert too, tippy toes, ears pricked, body quivering like electric jello. Whatever it was he didn't like it. 

So glad this morning wasn't one of the ones when I let him out loose.

Or this one

It kept it up the whole time I was airing the dogs. I took the flashlight down in the barnyard was still doing whatever it was doing....and of course there was nothing there.


So all you folks who know the night...what could it have been? Other then a JRT I mean? Are there night birds that sound like terriers? Strange fox calls I haven't heard yet? The dawning of the zombie apocalypse?

Asking for a friend.....

This one maybe?

from Northview Diary

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