Friday, August 3, 2018


Linda, this is a watermelon from the seed you sent me. I love it!

"Hey Mom, what's for supper?"

"French Toast."

"Guess I'm gonna be enjoying that then."

....say what!?!??

But yeah, our boy, whom we don't see so very often, was sent to run a job in Albany for a day by his company, so he spent the night here.


He didn't eat any French toast not being in the mood for it, but we sure had a nice visit.

Meanwhile, we are pretty sure we found the wood thief...not that we can really prove it, but.... We spent some time re-marking the wood with even brighter paint anyhow.

Also finally found blueberries. The folks we buy them from normally have either been sold out or just haven't had any so we...or at least I...have been bereft.

Then my mama shared a post from an orchard up near Johnstown, so we went and bought four quarts. Just finished freezing some. You evidently shouldn't wash them before freezing, but rather later when thawed, so that went quickly. I did make sure to pick out all the slightly squashed, smushed, odd-colored, and various "bad" berries for immediate consumption.

They all tasted just fine. Now it is raining with flash flooding watched and warned. Not much good for birding, or getting the beans picked and frozen, but it is what it is.

And the Four O'clocks!! Such Heavenly colors!
Thank you so much!

from Northview Diary

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