Monday, August 6, 2018

Fair Work

Dr. Lucas

It wouldn't be late summer without a visit from our trusted farm veterinarian,here to do the health work so the animals can go to the fair.

So far this year assorted poultry have already traveled to the fairgrounds to get their pullorum tests. Liz's show flock is tested under NPIP. I used to show chickens....back in the day...but the state vet came to the farm to test back then.

The steer

Today the little steer got his certification for the show. He received some vaccines and tests and a general looking-over to get him ready. 

This was Dr. Lucas DiFiores' first visit to the farm, but Midvale Veterinary Clinic has been taking care of our animals since before the boss and I even knew each other. I could tell you many stories of animal health care here on the farm and probably already have.

In fact, here are a couple from days gone by: If you are thirsty for more, just type the word "vet" in the search box at the top of the page and go.

Fair work

A Real Emergency

Herd Health

Another Herd Health

An old story about a now-retired Midvale Vet we loved to tease for years and years and a cow I came to really care for. Cows like "Dead", as she was called, were part of what made farming a lot of fun. If you read any of these, read this one first.

Another emergency

As you can see from these stories, we have had a long and positive history with Midvale, It's good to see the kids continuing the tradition. The doctors who work there have always shown compassion for both our animals and the people who own them, while offering competent, up-to-the-minute medical care and preventative planning as well. There are many aspects of dairy farming that I really miss, and our great doctor/client relationship is one of those. It was nice to say hi to Dr. Lucas and take a couple of photos down in the old heifer barn.

Checking out the sheep

from Northview Diary

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