Thursday, August 9, 2018


Ring-billed Gull
Immature Bald Eagle

Rainy Caspian Tern

Double-crested Cormorant

Wood Duck

Northern Mockingbird

Sandhill Crane


Or...the carrot on the stick....It began to rain, literally the moment we pulled into the visitor center parking lot, rendering me grumpy indeed after all that walking in the heat and humidity.

However, we still somehow managed to see some nice birds, although the resulting photos were pretty awful. Best birds were the Caspian Terns, a Pectoral Sandpiper, the Sandhill Cranes, and a Peregrine Falcon that gave us a wonderful flyby at Knox-Marcellus Marsh. We also met a pleasant park volunteer, who was surveying birds at the marsh. She gave us tips on Tundra vs. Trumpeter Swans, for which I thank her plentifully.

from Northview Diary

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