Saturday, August 11, 2018

Go Pro

Look, a scope!

No not that kind.
..I went on a bird walk in Amsterdam this morning, over the Gateway Bridge with a birding pro. It was lead by area environmental educator, George Steele, who is a terrific birder. He leads walks on Saturday mornings in this area, but this is the first one we have made since last year....such a busy summer. 

Belted Kingfisher

It was fun. We saw 41 species of birds, some as common as European Starlings, one a pretty special bird, a Peregrine Falcon.

This is what 39 Common Mergansers look like hurrying to get outta town

There were 39 Common Mergansers in one flock, Great Blue and Green Herons, a sprinkling of warblers and other woodland birds, and some city birds as well.

Darth Cormorant

Well, really a Double-crested Cormorant

Thanks George for teaching me something new every time, and thanks to the boss for getting up early to drive me down and then sitting patiently while birds were pursued.

Common Merganser

If you would like to experience this sort of birding there is another walk tomorrow morning at 6:30 at Yankee Hill Lock, which is one of my all-time favorite places to bird. The river is often graced with interesting waterfowl, and the woods surrounding the tow path and bike path are always good for some excitement.

Gettin outta Dodge

from Northview Diary

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