Sunday, August 26, 2018

National Dog Day

And look who got a nice, new dog house. This guy lives in the house for the most part but  spends some time outside in his run too. He used to have a barrel, which he liked just fine, but we thought he should have something better so the boss bought him an igloo style house.

He was terrified of it. He is the most chickenhearted Border Collie I have ever met. He spent a whole day hovering outside it refusing to go in.

Then I threw a big biscuit inside. He HAD to go in to get it.

He turned around once or twice, peeked out the door as if to say, "Hmm, this isn't so bad after all."

And has been hanging out in there ever since.

So, Happy National Dog Day, Finn, you silly boy you.

from Northview Diary

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