Saturday, June 23, 2018


I did in fact inhale one of these tiny insects down at the river the other day. I was delighted that it was only one, as the air was clogged with them in utterly uncountable numbers. 
Wood Duck with babies

Normally the boss sits at one of the pick-a-nick tables enjoying the river while I bird. For some reason, however, he was quick to return to the car and roll up the windows that time.

That's a pretty big bow wave for such little birdies

The various swallows were swooping through the clouds, beaks ajar, certainly not having to aim at all to fill their bellies. A real Smorgasbug!

Below is an even bigger bow wave. Not too shabby a rooster tail either. In fact as this gigantic vessel came around the corner on the Mohawk today that is the first thing I spotted. I don't think I have ever seen a fancier boat or one traveling faster here on our little river. 

from Northview Diary

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