Friday, June 22, 2018


"Hey, ma, what happened? How did I get here? What do I do now?
Hey, ma."

The week in was a good one, despite no new birds since May 28th. Finally got a couple photos of the Orchard Orioles, whose nest we found. 

And the other one, who was a bit more in control and flew from a stump to this snag

Then last night as we were coming back from getting a tarp to put over the baler to keep it dry overnights, we spotted two fledgling Red-tailed Hawks in the woods along the road.

"Hey, youse! Get offa my porch! How could you stoop so low!!!"

"If you would kindly walk away from this area I might feed my offspring, thank you."
One was perched on a stump, while the other sat in the weeds looking astonished to find himself in such a strange place, after spending his whole previous life in a nest somewhere nearby.

Here you see one of a pair of Cedar Waxwings that was systematically dismantling a
Baltimore Oriole nest and carting off the nesting material.
Don't know of the BAORs fledged or failed as I never saw them around the nest, which is right in front of the sitting porch, since the nest was built. Of course, I am not allowed to sit on the porch...
see above.

We took the photos from the car and got out of there quickly so as not to disturb them.

Song Sparrow

American Goldfinch

Eastern Wood Pee Wee, who really, really didn't want his picture taken...chased him for days

Despite the way June displays a mighty slowing down of passing new birds, we are still having a lot of fun...or at least I am. The boss is haying, having mowed the 30-acre-lot earlier this week.

Another Cedar Waxwing, in town for the Mulberry Express

from Northview Diary

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