Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Brand new House Wren, fresh out of the box

It's fledge week here at Northview. House Wrens emerged in two batches, with some coming out earlier in the week and what I hope were the final ones yesterday. One hung out with me for a while yesterday afternoon, before answering his parents' calls and flying away with them.

Wrens have been joined by baby Downy Woodpeckers, new White-breasted Nuthatches, new House Finches, a plethora of American Robins of all shapes, colors and sizes, and I think maybe some new Black-capped Chickadees.

Immature American Robin

It makes looking up into the Honey Locust in the yard a lot of fun. Along with all these birds and their kids are the resident vireos, flycatchers, and warblers.

To my delight another species showed up yesterday morning. We haven't seen or heard these birds since the 22nd of April.

Singing in the yard, hotly pursued by a batch of brand new fledglings, was a Carolina Wren pair.

I've missed the loud tea kettle, tea kettle, tea kettle, and the outraged rattling all around the yard.

I wonder where they were.

The end

from Northview Diary

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