Friday, June 1, 2018

Ta Da

Check out the ticks! Birding yesterday, standing very still, and this girl walked right up to me

It is June. 

The cows went to pasture yesterday with much fanfare and foolishness on their parts. They are both 11 this year, fairly elderly for cows, and you might expect a certain level of decorum on that account.


Bama found a mound of dirt and after around proinking like an antelope fell to her knees and dug in with her head. Grind grind grind. If she had horns they would be polished mighty  I'll tell you. 

Thankfully she doesn't so she got up, shook off the dust, and slalomed up the lane, slamming into things and bounding up and down like a fool. 

Moon is clumsier and not as silly, but she put on a nice show of a level trot, head held high and nostrils flared.

I haven't seen them yet this morning, but with the whole heifer pasture to graze and the bugs kinda bad, they are probably down in the heifer woods among the cherry trees. The wind always blows there, down in the fence corner, and the cows have always chosen that spot for a nice lie-in in summer time.

There is a salt block out where I can see it from the kitchen window, so they should come into view fairly often.


The Robins fledged yesterday too. You would think that would mean I could start to enjoy the sitting porch without feeling guilty. Alas, the House Wrens are incubating eggs now in the little decorative bird house, so my presence is most unwelcome still.

Battered shell notwithstanding...

This painted lady was laying eggs beside the road at Lykers Pond yesterday
Judging by the many roughly covered holes in the sand there, she is not alone
Eastern Painted Turtle

from Northview Diary

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