Saturday, June 2, 2018

Go Out

I never can resist this arch...cottonwood fluff on the water there too

Go out young man! Or young woman! And old fogy as well.

Go out!

Take in all that is offered by this, one of the finest weeks of the year, outdoors-wise.

Riverbank Grapes came into bloom yesterday. Each breath of soft valley air is perfumed by their sweet magic. How such a tiny, plain, greenish blossom, the very definition of nondescript, can smell so amazing is a mystery to me, but it is a happy one.

Cottonwood trees are flinging fluff willy-nilly. It's like a snow storm of warm and fuzzy wafting gently down the valley. We crossed the river just eastof here last night and there were floating rafts half-a-mile long or more of seeds upon seeds and more seeds. It almost looked like winter when the ice is just beginning to form.

It is garden time, go, go, go. I love to grow things, but oh, my word, how quickly new work appears. The wind lifts the landscape fabric off the bean garden. More stones needed.

Pond gets low. More water needed. Green things that are not beans pop up in the bean rows, more weeding needed.

I was desirous of empty hanging baskets to fill with all the good things I started from seed this spring..(Thanks Linda Brown I am so excited about having Moon Flowers galore to plant for late summer blossoms.) However, I was plumb out of baskets and it seems you can't buy them anywhere anymore.

Then we took Mom and Dad some rhubarb yesterday. While we were there Dad gave me a nice bunch of them that he doesn't need anymore. Soon as I get a couple of other things done I'm gonna get planting.

Got to go out there! Hope you can too.

Slightly soggy Tree Swallow. Must have been dipping in the river

from Northview Diary

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