Thursday, June 21, 2018

First day of Summer

Just as it came from the camera

Skies have been amazing this week, from liquid sunsets poured with smooth peach brandy, hung with a silver slice of moon, and flambes of heart-stopping raspberry, to sunrises that shine with the Lord's pure glory.

And since I can't sleep through the dawn chorus I am awake and usually up for most of them.

JSYK there are an awful lot of mosquitoes out if you clean the dog run and put out fresh water before the sun clears the horizon.

Red-tailed Hawk

Fireflies are out too, and for some reason, even though I officially grew up a long time ago, I never got over them. The one in the bathroom that I thought was a cell phone charger, blinking green in the dark, simply delighted me...... after I got over laughing at myself. Pretty soon fireworks season will begin, and although the noise is problematic for some, I can't resist the light show above with the sporty neon bugs below. It just says summer to me.

Find of the day yesterday, an active, and indeed very busy, Orchard Oriole nest
Parents were in and out constantly, so quick I never got a photo of either one!

Wrens STILL haven't fledged, although at least they have grown enough that their squeaks don't sound like the car anymore. I sat out there for a little while yesterday anyhow, despite the parents' protests. Alas, there a couple of robins snooping around again.....

from Northview Diary

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