Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Leader of the Band

Obviously orange, right?

Over the past few years we have been fortunate enough to find several Canada Geese wearing neck bands. The bands are used to keep track of the birds' travels and it is a lot of fun to report them to the government and find out where they were banded.

Usually the birds were find are banded locally and wear yellow and black bands.

However, yesterday the birds were really on the move. I'll bet we saw 5000 geese. We found that mass of them in yesterday's post hunkered down in a swamp right down the road from us, hiding out from the nasty wind. By mid-afternoon there were at least 1500 and probably many can't see much of the swamp from the road.

Among them were two banded geese. I got photos. One band was orange but I am not sure what color to call the other.

However, as seems to be the case very often the government band reporting site wasn't working. Guess I'll try again tomorrow. Meanwhile, one band is clearly orange and white, but what would you call the other? Thanks

Really, red, or punky pink?

from Northview Diary

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