Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Plague It

Our path to recovery from flu has been a lot like these buggy tracks. Slow, and winding. Tortuous even.

Some day I will not need a steady diet of cough drops to get through the day and heavy drugs serious cold medicines to get through the night.

Some day.

But that day is not now. The nights are worse. Someone, usually more than one someone, has been sick each and every day since the last week in January. Most of those days one of the someones has been me. Flu shots, schmoo shots. Some people who had them didn't get it and some did. Ditto those who didn't.

Peggy's Pre-school Petri Dish provides us with new viruses as required. I still haven't missed a single day of listing birds but it's been close and getting closer.

I am ready for spring, but it seems as if spring is not ready for me. Take care....

from Northview Diary https://ift.tt/2u0nv1v

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