Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Not a Youth by any Means

Turns out that goose number Y5Y1 was middle aged for his species, Canada Goose, and hatched in Varennes, Quebec, which is near Montreal. 

He was banded in 2007 on July 6th while still too young to fly, and was discovered at that time to be male. The ubiquitous high-flying honkers average 10-24 years in the wild.

No Cigar
I tried many times to get a photo of geese against the moon
This is as good as it got, even though there were thousands passing through

I love finding neck banded birds and discovering their history from subsequent band reports. Most of the ones we have found so far were banded near Cobleskill, or near Lykers, where we bird extensively, but this guy is a bit more well traveled. 

Can't wait to read the report on the other banded goose we found the same day. We often find two banded birds together.....

from Northview Diary

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