Sunday, October 21, 2018

(Un) Available Immediately

For rent or lease.

One owner, one bedroom starter chalet at Lyker's Pond Woodland Estates.

Tastefully situated on the water with stunning views of amazing pondlife. Great neighborhood, few predators, many muskrats like-minded rodents and lovely birds nearby. Also adjacent to extensive wooded acres, large hay meadows, and a convenient roadway leading to nearby swamps and marshes.

No kitchen, but the master bath is right outside either of the submerged doorways and a fine larder of branches and small logs is situated safely under the pond or right outside the door.

NO TAXES either!

Enjoy lovely Winterberry Holly, and extensive landscaping by Maples 'r' Us. Cattail roof antenna not included.

Price to move (although kinda heavy for that) in the low 70s (70 birch logs that is).

Call 1 (800) Holy Beaver or visit our website at

from Northview Diary

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