Sunday, October 14, 2018

Once Upon a Time

We were town kids with no idea of country when we went to stay at that farm house up in Fort Plain one day. I have no memory of circumstances, but it was an interesting new experience for us. We played outdoors all day it seems, wild games of kids with sharp imaginations.

Called in for lunch we stood astounded. There on the table was a great white orb that seemed as large as some of the old trucks we had been playing on.

When informed that we could have a slice with our dinner we were skeptical.

But hungry. Wild kids are always hungry.

Soon the savory scent of butter frying in a hot iron skillet filled the house, smelling golden, brown, and salty and good. That was just how the puffball tasted too, after a bit of sauteing in same. We liked it. Aunt Peggy sure could cook.

I've eaten a good many puffballs down the years, generally cooked by myself or my late mother-in-law, who was also known as Peggy. They sometimes grew by the heifer silo or up on the hill in a hidden bit of field.

But that first one was a good long time ago. I was at least eight, as Mappy was born, but not much more than that.....

Aunt Peg raised a batch of delightful cousins for me, and was beloved by them and their kids and their kids' kids and everyone on the Montgomery side of the family too...all the generations.

She was a wonderful woman, so very sweet to all she met, upstanding and hardworking in the church, just plain good in the most basic sense of the word.

We lost her last night. Hearts are sick and sore all over the area spanned by her family and friends. Condolences to her children, grand, and great grandchildren, to my mother, her only sister, to Larry, my uncle, and all of the family who love them and loved her. I know everyone she met has memories of her love as I do and will cherish them forever.

from Northview Diary

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