Friday, October 26, 2018


For a few hours last night all of my chicks were under one roof. It was wonderful. I sleep really well when everyone is here.

However, Becky and Jade were off to work before four this AM and the kids from Bath are just here for the service for my aunt and to pick up stuff for their new home....I'll miss the deer head on the wall right in front of my chair....have to dig out the clock that was displaced when he showed up.

Then they are off home for a busy weekend of getting settled into their house and painting and fixing. We miss them a lot, but thanks to the wonders of video calls I have seen the new house, the new woods, and all the new things they are doing.

Technology can be our friend.... Stay safe in this nasty storm they are predicting. Sure wish the river was a little lower just now.

They are getting ready to life the buoys out of the river

from Northview Diary

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