Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Little Canna that Could

If you look closely you can see where the roots ripped the tree pot

For many years we have grown cannas even though you have to dig them every fall . They are tall and glamorous and hummingbirds love the bright flowers so....thank you Mappy for the first ones.

A closer look

Usually they go in the ground along the side of the kitchen. However, last summer I stuck four or five of them in a tree pot that I grew herbs in last year. The corms were six or eight inches long and maybe an inch in diameter....normal size for several year old cannas.

Because they were in the pot right next to the back door they got watered and fed with the house plants. To say that they responded would be an understatement.
I was able to lift this mass of corms into the basket,
but I had to get the strong farmer man I married to carry it inside
and it was all he wanted!

Normally this basket holds ALL the cannas rather than just one

from Northview Diary

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