Wednesday, October 31, 2018


A shrubbery down at McDonald's getting into the spirit of the season

Rustle, clatter, shatter, shake

What's doing that spooky sound a make?

Something in the bushes is scaring me away

Wish the sun would come up this Halloween day

Star shine, rain drops, the sky is all confused. 

Ain't gonna lie, 

It ain't got me enthused.

Been quite a morning, the sun is not yet up. 

Going back indoors to coffee in my cup.

Excuse the bad rhyme. Here's a better oneWhat a strange start it has been to the strangest day of the year. All that noise was mulberry leaves....leaving.....they seem to all fall down the same day every single year. I was out with Mack in the starlit hours before dawn and heard all these strange noises from the Mulberry Express area. I was sure it was a deer or at least some bunnies, but it was just leaves falling all in a bunch. I'll bet most of them will be down by tonight.

The stars were out bright when I got up, but by the time I went out to hang up laundry...still in the was freezing raining. Yippee Skippy. And now the forecast is for 80% rain. As if it hasn't rained enough already.

Update: a little later the sun peeked over the eastern horizon, pretty much on schedule. It treated us to a cloud ruffled red sky auguring who knows what in the way of weather, and to a gigantic, brilliant rainbow, stretched all the way across an orange sky to the west. Pretty awesome! Now back to your regular programming....more rain....

from Northview Diary

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