Thursday, August 3, 2017

eBird Tracker Feature

Yesterday the eBird app on my phone, which I have come to use most of the time when counting birds, updated.

Now it tracks the distance you travel, rather than leaving you to estimate how far you walked or drove. I have only used it twice so far, last night when I hiked up in the fields to count since the boss was over at the speedway at the races, and this morning hiking around doing, down the driveway for warblers, to the barn, and chores and such.

I discovered that I was fairly accurate in estimating the long walks...I always counted the hike to the 30-acre lot and back as a mile and a half. Turns out it is 1.77 miles. Close enough.

However, my normal morning perambulations I estimated at .3 mile to .5 mile depending on what I did. Imagine my amazement when a normal morning's walking with birdies and doggies turned out to encompass a whopping 2.85 miles.

Who knew? I think I am going to like this feature.

from Northview Diary

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