Sunday, August 20, 2017


An obliging Song Sparrow, which gave us some great looks
near the Mohawk Valley Gateway Overlook Bridge

Birding before coffee that is. What was I nuts? Yeah, probably, but at least this morning the birds were active again after a good week of near silence and seeming absence. Managed 17 species in just under an hour, which isn't great but better than it has been. No passing warblers yet....

Port Jackson boat launch where we met. There were plenty of good birds to be seen and heard right from the parking lot.

Yesterday I had a tremendous time going on a bird walk sponsored by the City of Amsterdam Recreation.

As you no doubt know, my long-suffering, non-birding husband, the boss, who is really, really good to me, willingly takes me around to look for birds, but other than that I am pretty much on my own. Thus birding with others, learning, watching, and getting to explore a surprisingly rich urban-edge habitat was really a lot of fun.

Another view from the parking lot

Met nice folks, learned many interesting things from our guide, George Steel, and saw some nice birds. There is an intriguing flock of Turkey Vultures that roosts in the city. We saw a wheel of them like something out of a Hitchcock movie, whirling up and dispersing over the city streets. There is a night heron of one kind or the other being seen in that area, so we will no doubt venture down there again. Plus we need to shop at the little market there, Mary Jane's. We didn't get anything this time but we want to.

There will be a couple more such walks in the next couple of months. I am hoping to get to go if the boss is willing and the hay isn't too pressing....get it? pressing?.....If you are interested, even if you are a total beginner, I highly recommend attending. Lots of fun.

Ring-billed Gull

from Northview Diary

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