Saturday, August 26, 2017


Chilly this morning, although it feels great to me. Got down to 33 degrees in Indian Lake this morning, which does not bode terribly well for a long, frost-free autumn.

Birded a lot of miles yesterday, going back to a new road gate the boss made into the Old Pasture Lot, which just as you might expect, is pasture turned into hay ground a decade or three ago. It makes great hay. However, the opening from the Old Spreader Field into it had shrunken over the years until he could barely get the discbine though. Thus some heavy work with the skid steer to make it better.

Saw lots of nice birds but nothing new until I got right down to the yard behind the cow barn. Then I believe I heard and saw a pair of Lincoln's Sparrows. They did not oblige me with a good view, so I didn't count them.

Coming back from visiting her other "grands".

Went back yesterday afternoon but didn't see them. However, I did get the first Black-throated Green Warbler in three years, so I am not complaining.

Meanwhile the boss got several loads of hay. Liz was trying to unload for him while he baled late in the evening, but the drive chain broke on the big elevator so repairs will be needed before they can start today.

Heavy dew last night. I had Liz turn Alan'squad around so it faced out where it is parked in the barnyard, so I might sit on it to watch for those Lincoln's. There was so much water on it that three paper towels didn't help so I stood.....btw, I do most of my birding before the rest of the crew is stirring...

from Northview Diary

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