Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Objects in the Mirror

Just past dusk, but not quite dark last night. Sitting at the computer looking at eclipse photos and reading the news...and let's be honest here...playing Klondike.... I like to play Klondike.

Suddenly, from down by the heifer barn, blood curdling screams of KILL! DEATH! DIE!!!! KILL!!!!! echo mightily. Like the soundtrack of a horror movie. Like your worst nightmare. Like the end of all things. A horrible, terrible, just plain awful screaming....

And then.....

This morning. Early...ish...but nowhere near as early as I normally go outside. Finnbar the Puppy-Duppy transforms into Finnbad the Terrible as we walk to his yard. Rumbling growls are transmitted to my fingers through the leash before I even hear them. Mistrust, anger, and then the urge to attack and protect...all are translated through the thin band of leather. Communication to the pack.

Suddenly the big barks begin. Bark, bark, bark. Bark, bark, bark.

A shape looms by the driveway. A great big thing, cloaked in the swirling fog.

Has the Zombie Apocalypse been brought on by the solar eclipse? Are we safe here on our little family farm?

Answer in the comments.

from Northview Diary http://ift.tt/2imZuOZ

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