Thursday, August 24, 2017


Weeds along the farm road, far higher than my head

The tornado warned storm the other night ushered in some clear, pleasant weather. Of course the tractor has been broken down and is getting some more work done not much haying going on. (There was a tornado in one area, but we just got a little wind, a lot of rain, and some minor lightning, thankfully.)

I will surely use landscape fabric for my tiny garden again next year. I only kept the smallest garden for myself, but it has kept both families in snap beans and summer squash so far, with some to give away too. Yesterday I picked about half of what we hadn't eaten and froze them. Might do more today if I have time.

Oh, oh, who's this coming up the driveway with the chickens all out in the yard!

Yesterday morning I tried walking back in the fields, as the boss has made a new gateway and I wanted to check it out. However, up top in the 30-Acre Lot, the clay mud was so slick I literally could not walk on it.

 I went back up last night, but darkness and skeeters sent me back down the hill. Sure enjoyed the peachy sunset though.

I think I heard a Great Horned Owl! Not hooting but screeching!

It was odd. I had just turned behind the barn to head up the hill when I heard a scream right  behind me. Not unusual as the resident Red-tailed Hawks love to fly behind me and screech and make me jump. 

However, this didn't sound quite right. I would never have thought what it might be, but I was playing GHOW sounds on iBird Pro when I got to the top of the hill....we have them and I was hoping for a response...and there it was! The exact sound. Didn't count it, but I will be going over there in the evening again soon....

Everyone is talking early fall. I surely hope not. A lot of farmer hopes are pinned on corn making ears and there was an awful lot of late planting this year. We have seen some decent corn around, playing catch up you might say, but only a couple of fields with well-developed ears so far. Lots of pink corn silk out there yet.

from Northview Diary

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