Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Almanac the August Blues

Indigo Bunting, blue boy of summer

Summer is winding down, even though the outdoors is still beautiful, wonderful, downright delicious......and there are blueberries. It is impossible to miss the shortening days and the south-trending sunrises and sunsets though. However, the weather is phenomenal right now. It just doesn't get any better than this....

"Sunken Horse"...or, Amish on the bike path

This morning at five a bat was fluttering around my head while I walked dogs and counted the dawn chorus. (Four Northern Cardinals, Six American Robins, two Carolina Wrens and a Song Sparrow.) It got friendly enough that I went back indoors. I had writing chores anyhow and, although I am not afraid of bats, it didn't need to get THAT close. I could hear it flappy, flappy, flapping, wings all slapping, and twittery-chirping like mad.

Yeah.....too close.

After being among the missing for weeks, the Rose Breasted Grosbeaks have appeared in the apple tree again. There are so many Indigo Buntings singing it takes some careful listening to count them. Saw the first House Wren of the year for the farm yesterday when I walked up back to check on the boss who was baling. We have seen them other places, but not here for some reason.

Meanwhile, haying season has been accompanied by the usual plague of breakdowns. The bale thrower has been causing problems, a universal on the mower met its match, and last night, as the boss was unloading the next-to-last load of hay of the day, the elevator clogged. It was too dark to see to fix it so that is a job for this morning.

This pale touch-me-not is nearly twice as tall as I am!

from Northview Diary http://ift.tt/2w2NyoC

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