Friday, March 24, 2017

You can't make this stuff up

I screen calls. Once you answer Bridget from Cardholders, she's on your back like a six-legged monkey......

However, it's tax paying, hay selling time, so sometimes I answer callers with out of area phone numbers just the same. Alas, it's usually Bridget or one of her cohorts.

Today, since Liz had bumped all the hay ads, I did so. It was an area code I've never seen before, but it was indeed a potential hay customer. The person on the other end was named Omar. He began to quiz me about hay quality, what grass was in it, and such. Then he asked if we deliver.


So then he explained he was from the circus and looking for hay for the animals. Probably this one.

Omar from the circus. If you put that in a story no one would believe you. I pointed him at some places that might be able to help and we said pleasant goodbyes. You just never know.....

from Northview Diary

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