Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Glug, glug, glug

Somebody get a snow brush...there's a Camaro under there

As if the snow wasn't enough, we had other fun too. Jade and Liz came out into the kitchen where I was writing just in time to hear the oddest and most alarming gurgling noise you could imagine.

Oh no! Sounds like it's coming from the refrigerator. 

It's an oldie and a not-so-goody and we quickly concluded that it was dying.

Or even dead.

Just what we needed with feet of snow in the driveway, more still falling, more on the way and the potential for high winds.

We kept listening to it.

Not running.

We kept feeling it.

Not running.

We made plans to put the stuff in its freezer in the big freezer and the regular foods in the front hall where it's cold but not freezing.

I worried. Not that it is the biggest deal in the world, but there have been so many things...we just didn't need another one. We plotted and planned and puzzled for quite some time.

I was standing by it fretting about how we would deal if it really was dead, when the gurgling sound came again.

From a bucket full of bunny waterers that was sitting in front of it thawing and occasionally letting out some bubbles and giggles. 

Then the refrigerator motor started up...it was just idle because the house was pretty cold.

I may have threatened Liz with GBH when I realized that was where the sound came from.

Anybody seen a Border Collie around here?

from Northview Diary http://ift.tt/2nqrdgm

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