Friday, March 31, 2017

Out like a....

As we all know March came in like some kind of mythical monster, wind storm after windstorm, staggering depths of snow, and just plain cold, bad, weather.

We were hoping it would go out in a somewhat more gentle manner but alas, I awoke to sirens and fire whistles on this, the last day of the month.

I am not sure what you might call it. No lions involved, but no lambs either unless you count the one down in the barn, which has grown big enough to move into the pen the pig vacated when he went away to freezer camp.

I guess there are wires and trees down all over town and not surprisingly. The snow that fell earlier is heavy and wet and now some sort of rain-like substance is falling in great soggy blobs that soak you before even the first of the doggies is properly drained.

Poor man's fertilizer be darned...enough is enough....

from Northview Diary

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