Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Really Big Pigeon

The spring blackbirds are all back, Brown-headed Cowbirds, Common Grackles, and Red-winged Blackbirds....the sky just rings with their calls. Yesterday was such a great day for getting out and seeing what was happening that I opened the Sitting Porch and went out there sit....

It was great! Warm, breezy, birdy... I was training the binoculars on the river, while snatching glances at the flyway over the Horse Pasture, watching for blackbirds and checking out ducks and geese.

Plop, something landed just to my left. There were pigeons on the steeple, I figured that they had been eating well.

Plop! Plop

Dang! Whatchu been eatin' Botat?

It kept happening. I kept watching the river.

Finally a faint giggling reached my ears. 

Far from overfed pigeons, the culprit was the guy above, throwing little snowballs to get my attention. He wanted to see if I wanted to ride down to the river to see what might be down there. I did. We did. Nothing stirring....but wow, that was a really huge pigeon! Not to mention an awful wise guy.

from Northview Diary

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