Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Ice Storm

So, last night it was supposed to sleet and freezing rain a bit, then warm up and not amount to much. Then suddenly an ice storm warning was announced. Shortly thereafter my folks called that their power was out. They were not alone. There were trees down and transformers on fire all over the region.

Well, dang. They assured me that they would be okay, but I worried. No heat. No water. No way to make hot coffee. I offered to send a farmer or a professional driver to bring them here, where we have all of the above, but they declined.

So I am waiting until it is late enough to call and check on them. If they don't have power then action must be taken. 

Meanwhile the doggies cannot be outside and are very aggravated about same and thus being very aggravating. So far I have rescued my woolly hat, a receipt, which is now and forever dead and partly eaten, plus sundry other kitchen floor artifacts. I have also stopped several loud games of bitey face, prevented the tossing around of metal food dishes, also very loud, (some people who get up at three every day are napping for a bit) and finally given up and put "Who's NOT a good boy," back in his crate.

If we get the snow storm they are predicting tonight, at least they can go outside and tire themselves out in that. 

from Northview Diary

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