Thursday, May 24, 2018

What did I just see

In his element...liquid beaver at sunset

Got up extra early to fix my computer as it crashed last night while doing the huge new Windows update. While walking doggies I spotted some deer, maybe three or four, along the pasture behind the house.

No big news; we see them every day. However, one looked....well....funny. 

When finished with the doggos I went for the binoculars. She was straining hard, as if to have a fawn, her hocks stained with results of same. However, the odd shaped-ness of her was that a much larger, darker, doe was attending her during the process, licking her neck and ears, arching her neck over her back protectively, and seeming to encourage her.

I watched for a few minutes before most of the deer, including the dark doe, faded into the woods like the ball players in Field of Dreams. 

While I watched them go, the little pale doe...she was an unusually light tan color....simply vanished completely. Did she lie down in the tall grass? Hide in the bushes below the leaning tree?

I don't know.

This is going to be a busy day as we inter Ralph's aunt and do a lot of other related stuff. However, I will keep an eye on the pasture when I can. Just in case. 

Who knows what I might see out there today.

from Northview Diary

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