Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Big bird of the day yesterday for the boss and me
A Common Gallinule.
They are just that up at Montezuma...common as cattails, but I had never seen one here in our county before

I was crazy excited to find a single Blackburnian Warbler down along our driveway a couple weeks ago...a life bird for me, a first for the farm, and a general big deal here at Northview.

"My" Blackburnian

Then this morning I read about some folks who went birding yesterday in Quebec....they saw over 28,000 of them! 

In one day.

You can see why Yellow-rumped Warblers are sometimes called

Plus staggering thousands of other warblers and various migrants, passing by and landing around them. 72,000 Butterbutts, or Yellow-rumped Warblers!!! How can I type enough exclamation marks for such as that?!? We sometimes see 20 or 30 of them, and maybe saw a hundred at Cape May last year.....

Our other good find yesterday, an Orchard Oriole...not rare either, but
not always easy to come upon

This is the stuff dreams are made of...if you are a birder that is...and I do dream of birds all the time, although even in my dreams numbers like these would be unlikely....however, I am contemplating getting an enhanced driver's license so I can cross borders and get on planes. Both are highly unlikely for this farm girl hermit, but a sight like that might just tempt me.....

An Eastern Kingbird from yesterday. Not rare either, but so obliging about posing

from Northview Diary https://ift.tt/2xmQq4j

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