Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Can I get a Whistle?

I was up behind the  cow barn last night watching a Palm Warbler delving among the branches of a box elder tree. I like Palm Warblers. They are such a warm, rich, yellow and cinnamon color.

Suddenly very close to me a screech rang out. It sounded as if someone had moved a sheet of roofing tin, and it protested loudly at being moved.

I jumped and looked over at the tangle of hedgerow there.


I went back to the warbler.

It happened again. And again. And again.

Yet there was nothing there. I made a short video of the sound.

I must have stood there, listening to that strange and very loud sound for ten minutes, peering into the hedgerow trying to find the whistler.

Then I saw him, almost at my feet.

Egad, what an ugly face!

I did not know that Woodchucks whistled.

Another visitor, quite unwelcome. Liz says it tumbled down the hill
and was staggering around

Although it still looks superficially fairly healthy, I am glad most of the domestic
animals are vaccinated against rabies

from Northview Diary

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