Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Where, oh, where have they gone?

Over the past week odd things have gone missing....

The bathroom scissors, with which I lop off my hair, for the most part at random...

They are essential. For me a hair cut is not an event, but a process. A sticky-up clump here..whack, it's gone. Another one there...ditto....almost every day. 

The result is a sort of Rod Stewart look only (slightly) younger, plumper, and a lot less jaded. With the scissors gone I will soon be sporting that wild collie look....or maybe Golden Retriever....and that is so not me.

Not here....

Next to vanish was one of the Irish rings I wear.

Mappy and Alan each bought themselves one in Durham a couple of years ago. Alan bought me one too and I have worn it all the time ever since.

Alan's I rescued from his pants pockets, pretty much weekly, back when I was doing his laundry, and wore on my other hand until I saw him next and returned it. Eventually he refused to take it back, so I had one on each ring finger. You can tell them apart by the grout in his and they click together nicely when I get impatient.

However, the left hand one vanished without warning the other day. We cannot find it anywhere.

Thus I walk about unbalanced and shaggy, missing these icons of daily life...Woe is me...

Where, oh, where have they gone????

Guess we'll have to keep looking

from Northview Diary https://ift.tt/2v2iWqO

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