Thursday, April 5, 2018

I took to the Hills

Friendly Golden-crowned Kinglet

I've been so impatient, all winter since the snow came, so darned eager to walk out on the hill.

I just couldn't. Our roads drift in feet deep; my knees will have nothing to do with snowshoes, and I just couldn't.

Then came mud. Same story with the knees. I kept trying though....can I go down the driveway? Down to the heifer barn? Up to the orchard?

Well, some days I could and did, but not up on the hills. Even a few days ago the road was clogged with snow and ice, with mud and running water filling in between.

This morning dawned bitter cold with the aftermath of horrific wind flowing down the valley from the west. I had to virtually kick myself out the door, even though the sun was shining bright and the farm roads calling. I put on all my winter stuff and chanced it.

What joy! What delight!

Oh, it was cold for sure, but the Golden-crowned Kinglets I hope to find came right out to see me and even allowed a photo. It felt so good to walk somewhere besides around the mall and house. I found that I still had most of the muscle I worked for last summer and could stride right up and over. Eventually I came to a snow drift I didn't want to chance and called it good, but what a morning!

Hope it will be as cold tomorrow only without the wind, so I can climb right up unhampered by the mud, to see what the hills have to show and tell.

from Northview Diary

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