Monday, April 9, 2018

Coming in Squalling

We all know about March and lions and lambs, but what is with all this squally weather in April anyhow? I don't remember ever having been this cold during this month.

Of course it may have something to do with being outdoors a lot every day, doing fool things like walking on the exposed riverbank down at the confluence of the Schoharie and the Mohawk, counting ducks and looking for sandpipers....

We were out yesterday evening driving over the local hills during a clear yellow sunset, which was very beautiful btw. All around us were small snow squalls, dragging chilly curtains over the fields and forests. It would be sunny in one spot and just feet away flurries were flurrying and winds were whirling.

It was pretty, but, oh my word, so cold. Still is today least so far. I just came in from hanging out towels and they froze into weirdly contorted shapes before I could even grab the clothespins.

Oh, well, it stiffens up the mud at least.

from Northview Diary

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