Sunday, April 29, 2018

DIY Yoni Steaming Stool and Benefits of Yoni Steaming

A couple weeks ago I wrote a post on treating your yoni right, using natural treatments. One of those treatments was yoni steaming (the ancient practice of allowing the warmth of herbal steam to softly permeate the exterior of the vagina). Following that post, I had a lot of questions sent through email and instagram asking questions like “Can I make the herbal mixture myself?” (yes) and “How do I actually do it?” (easy!).  So today, I’ve decided to share my DIY Yoni Steaming Stool and the benefits of yoni steaming. Read on for all the details and how to easily make your own stool, or repurpose a box to become one!

Why Yoni Steam: The Benefits of Yoni Steaming

yoni steam (aka. vaginal steam) provides gentle and effective support for women’s wellness. It is an age-old practice, respected by women and holistic healers around the globe. This women’s treatment gently and effectively cleanses, tones and revitalizes a woman’s center, providing a benefits from reduced menstrual cramps to increased fertility. Yoni steaming is said to support one’s natural feminine cycle (supporting releasing of dark blood at the beginning or end of menstrual cycle), and help you to heal (it is said to help with endometriosis, pelvic pain, uterine prolapse, constipation and PCOS), relax, and detoxify both physically and emotionally. 

How to Make a Yoni Stool or Yoni Sauna

For a while, I was looking to purchase a yoni stool online, but after realizing they were running in the range of $300 – $500 USD, I decided to find a way to make my own.

Option 1: Repurpose

In my case, it was quite easy – I managed to find an old box (that was made from untreated wood) that used to be a storage box for old dinner plates. Seeing it was a good height and width, I decided to repurpose if for my yoni stool. I took the lid and drilled four holes on the corners that made a diamond. Then I cut through with a “rat tail saw” to carve out the diamond shame, and finally sanded down the top and insides to prevent any splinters (ouch!). 

Option 2: Start from Scratch

If you are having trouble finding an old wooden box, they’re not terribly hard to make if you have some nails, a hammer and some good quality wood that is not treated with any chemicals (remember the steam is working to lift herbs up to your yoni, you don’t want it taking any chemical resins with it). 

Option 3: Think Less is More

Easier still, you can simply use a large pot, and put a plank of wood on top with a hole cut out in it, or even more easily?

Option 4: Use the Toilet Bowl

Take the pot into your toilet bowl (if it is deep enough, so you don’t burn yourself while sitting) and use the normal toilet seat. If using this method, I recommend cleaning out the bowl with non toxic cleaner first, and then using a pot you don’t mind sitting in the toilet – perhaps a pot you designate to your yoni steaming. 

Yoni Steaming Herbs 

There are a myriad of herbs you can use for yoni steaming  –  some of the most popular include herbs that specifically work with the urinary: Rosemary, Mugwort, Motherwort, Yarrow, Calendula, Lavender, Red Raspberry Leaf, Damiana, Plantain, Juniper, Peony, Witch Hazel, Yarrow, Cedar Berries, Rose and Dong Quai.

When searching for herbs to make your steam base, make sure to look for good quality herbs when shopping bulk! If you prefer to buy a premix, I love Vibrant Soul’s Devi Steam which you can shop here in different sizes.  The use only organic herbs that are fairly traded. 

Make sure only to use herbs and not essential oils, as the oils are too strong for this type of activation. 

How to Yoni Steam

  1. Simmer 2 litres of water with 1 cup of herbs on the stove for 10 minutes (bring to boil and then reduce)
  2. Turn off the heat and let sit for 5 minutes to slightly cool (with lid on)
  3. Place the pot (or a heat safe basin) into your steam stool / under the chair or into the toilet bowl
  4. Disrobe from the waist down, and bring a blanket like the beautiful merino one I have here from Home of Wool, which was handmade in Bulgaria!
  5. Sit down and wrap the blanket around you for warmth and to help keep the steam inside
  6. Allow the steam to permeate for 20 – 40 minutes and remove the herbs (you should not reuse them – release them back to earth or dispose of without clogging your drain)

Yoni steaming is great to do before or after your menstrual cycle, or as you feel needed. 

When Not to Yoni Steam

As with any wellness practice, there are some cautions: It is not recommended to steam if you have an IUD or during menstruation, but I have a copper IUD and have done shorter steams as a result. Do not do a yoni steam if you are pregnant.

Happy steaming, beautiful. 



The post DIY Yoni Steaming Stool and Benefits of Yoni Steaming appeared first on Living Pretty, Naturally.

from Living Pretty, Naturally

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