Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Time Zones

I write  texts to send our boy early in the NY morning. Things he needs to know and all. Then I don't send them until three hours pass....time zones you see. It's almost time now...

Spotting deer is important this time of year. Many of them stayed here rather than venturing south as they do in bad winters. 

They are stupid with bold and stroll right up to the road...and sometimes right across it. 

Just the color of the dry brown grass, they are hard to spot, but between the two of us we usually notice them in time to avoid them.

Alas, motorists behind us, doing a ton, and talking on their phones, often barely miss us and never even see the deer. We stopped for these two but a tractor trailer coming the other way spooked them and they returned whence they came.

Quite acrobatically. 

from Northview Diary

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