Thursday, February 15, 2018

A Mystery

A couple of weeks ago we noticed what appeared to be a trap near the Schoharie Crossing State Historical Site, where a flock of American Black Ducks has been hanging out since the worst of the ice went.

Hmm, who would be trapping "our" ducks.

There are often ducks inside the trap apparently eating some sort of bait. There are often tracks leading down from the shoreline above.

The mighty Schoharie from one of the spots where we look for ducks

We figured that it was some sort of scientific project so we weren't too worried, but still, inquiring minds want to know.

Yesterday I found this story, which led me to this story, and all became clear.

How neat that the ducks we count every day....looking for birds less common than American Black Ducks and Mallards...are contributing to scientific understanding of duck populations.

BTW, it is great fun to watch the Black Ducks ride the roller coaster of the little falls above the aqueduct. They are like fat black corks, gliding over the riffles and ripples and then flying back up. I think they are having fun.

American Black Duck

from Northview Diary

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