Friday, February 9, 2018

Book Huntin'

Dr. Peggy holding surgery with her dogs, cats, and horses...
and unicorns, and tigers....and other creatures great and small

Peggy has finally decided that it is okay to sit on my lap in the evening. Sometimes she watches a movie on her Kindle while I read on my NOOK. Sometimes we talk. Sometimes stuffed animals act out this and that, and sometimes we just enjoy each other's company.

I would like to add reading to her to this mix, but I don't want it to be the same old-same old. Her mama reads to her a lot in the evening, and she has plenty of books to love.

However, I would like to share the books that delighted me when I was young, some of which are especially timeless and pertinent to us animal loving folks who like to learn.

Thus I renewed a search that has been ongoing for me for several years now. My late grandmother worked in a news shop, which sold magazines as well as books. Christmas was about guaranteed to supply wonderful reading material, from comics to hard covers.

I remember one, a great, big, shiny, hardcover, that had stores and poems about animals. I know I wore it out. I still remember some of the poems.

However until today I have been unable to find it, even by searching for the text of the poems. 

Suddenly, while looking at hundreds of covers from the fifties and sixties I remembered the title!

Dogs, Cats, and Horses....... It's a bit pricey for a used kid's book, but still.....

from Northview Diary

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