Thursday, October 5, 2017

Trying Hard

Bird of the week...after the Blue-headed Vireo of course.
This is the fifth Lincoln's Sparrow I have seen this year, but none of the others sat still for the camera

To remain cheerful.....but it seems as if "it" never stops. You know what I mean. Disaster after disaster, bad news heaped on more of the same, day after day, week after week.

Liz and I were sitting here at the kitchen table with Peg and heard some odd noises from just west of the house. Mentioned them...thought it was roadwork. 

But no, it was a horrible accident on the Thruway. The boss saw the smoke and flames from Rotterdam and thought it was our house. Then he saw what had actually happened when he got home and came up the barn driveway. This is happening way too often these days....seems as if every week there is another bad accidnet just in the few miles between Canajoharie and Amsterdam.

Anyhow, I really need to get something done, even if it's wrong, so I will leave you with some things I've seen around the farm this week. Take care of you!

from Northview Diary

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