Wednesday, October 25, 2017

One Day at a Time

No fear at 11 months...much braver than in later years

After a great weekend and weeks of incredible weather, the season is sliding down into winter. Yesterday was a weirdly warm rainy one, a lot of water came down. Every time I tried to go out and walk the rain would intensify and I would be chased indoors.

Good thing I have my grandmother's cedar chest to keep me entertained. Mom gave it to me for my birthday this year and during the busy days of summer I neglected poking through it. It is still full of things that grandma saved, old birthday cards, bills, newspaper clippings and such. Photos. Lots and lots of photos.

I have done a little spelunking in there over the past few days and found all sorts of treasures. A photo of me on a pony at eleven months old, grinning like a Jack 'o Lantern. Guess I liked horses right from the start.

Photos of grandma and grandpa's dog, Nikki. I was so fond of him...

The stairs in their old house where we used to sit on the landing upstairs and "fish" down into the kitchen with strings. We only caught passing grownups who obliged by tugging our string "fishing lines" but we were easy to entertain in those days.

The leaning garage held up by its contents, or so we used to joke back in the day. When your grandparents lived through the Great Depression they don't throw things away.

My mama and daddy's wedding photo, looking so fine and happy.

And much, much more.

Kinda brightens up these gloomy days.

I need to go through the photos again and sort them out for different cousins and brothers and all. Too much treasure for just me to hoard.

And 29 years later, 30 years old, at grandma's 75th birthday party. I sure loved those two.

from Northview Diary

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