Wednesday, October 11, 2017


To the soft rustle as the leaves trickle down...

To the distant barking of the geese as they arrow from river to cornfield and back each day...

To Red-winged Blackbirds chirping overhead, as urgent as the geese and much swifter, bent on much the same destination every day.


The nutty scent of the leaves that are down.

That miserable skunk, skulking around the wood stove every morning.

Crushed apples, seething with Yellow Jackets. Yikes!

And the sugar sweetness of newly cut lawn, as Jade had a few days off and mowed it all up nice.


Each tree as itself as they slowly change colors and drop their leaves, the reds and oranges of maples, the crimson and raspberry of Virginia Creeper and Staghorn Sumac...

Yellow Cottonwood and Riverbank Grape, red and pumpkin-colored rosehips, dew dripping from each one. The last blue Morning Glories, the final zinnias, a few nasturtiums lingering among the green beans....

It's here's all around us. 

Just listen.

from Northview Diary

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