Monday, October 30, 2017

Caution Sick Fox

This man would have practically stepped on the fox
if the boss hadn't yelled to him

We took a quick spin down to the boat launch at Schoharie Crossing, despite the rotten weather, in order to do a quick bird list. Kinda nasty to be walking at home. 

It may have been a good thing we did. While I was going nuts over a flock of American Pipits, the boss was exclaiming, "There's something in the road!"

Even without the binoculars we could see that it was a fox and not in a normal pose. Through the bins it looked downright awful! 

It was hunched in the road not moving, while a walker approached it from behind a small hill where he couldn't see that it was there.

The boss jumped out of the car and hollered to him. After about three yells the fox finally staggered off the road. The man was grateful to have been warned.

We have been getting notices from our veterinarian on Facebook about rabies in the area and I suspect that this may be a case of that.

We stopped at the sheriff's office to report it and came on home.

We are always cautious about wildlife, but I guess even more vigilance is in order now. 

Watch out if you use the boat launch!

from Northview Diary

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