Friday, September 1, 2017

I Wonder What the Weather Was

Sixty-six years ago today...

I wasn't there you see. Didn't make my first appearance until the following July.

 I've seen the wedding pictures many times though, mom, all slim and pretty, with her dark brown hair curling around her ears. Dad, tall, and blonde, and handsome. No doubt his bright blue eyes were gleaming.

Saying "I do" and meaning it, sixty-six years worth and still counting. Raising three kids who all turned out to be reasonably productive citizens and stayed out of jail and off the dole and all that stuff. A mechancal engineer/musician, a farmer/writer, and a professional driller and builder of important structures/farmer. Grandkids galore, all shapes and sizes, with the great grands coming along nicely now too. They still "do", dedicated to each other, together in all things, loving as they always have, standing the tests of time.

They were never stay-at-home folks....from starting an antique store, a book store that continues to this day, hunting, fishing, camping, Audubon, carving club, mineral collecting everywhere you could imagine, creating fine jewelry, wonderful paintings, stunning carvings, traveling the world in search of those Montgomery roots, and all those Scottish games, they were always busy and good at what they did. I feel pretty pale in comparison I'll tell you.

Congratulations mom and dad....You sure done good. Love you both with all my heart!

from Northview Diary

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