Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Edge of My Seat

I have long followed veteran Bering Sea captain, Jack Molon, on Facebook, mostly because I quickly became enamored of his stunning Bald Eagle photos....you know if there's a bird in it, I'm on board.

However, his stories of a life of adventure are fascinating as well and I have always read whatever he shared.

I was fortunate enough a couple of weeks ago to get the opportunity to read his recently released book, You Can't Make this Stuff Up.

I have to tell you, I could barely sit still to read it, so very dramatic are the descriptions of life in the Bering Sea as a captain of a fishing vessel. I admit to having read it in a sitting and to stopping often to tell the girls, who were sitting at the table with me, all about the tales.

When it ended I wanted more. That seems to be a theme in online reviews as well. These are great stories, well told, and so darned dramatic I truly had cold chills. The gentleman's philosophies bear thought as well.....if you get a chance, don't miss it.

There really needs to be another book soon. Or maybe more.

from Northview Diary http://ift.tt/2ymPbi3

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