Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Things You See

Went to the High Peaks yesterday, hoping to experience the changing of the colors. There were some nice trees, but not what you see some years.

However.......and it's a big however for me.....we took the Sabattis Bog Rd.....not for the first time, although other times have been in the dead of winter and below zero...and we not only found the bog, but also found Grey Jays. Yippee!!!

Have seen them before, away out west in the Rockies, but to find them right here in our own Adirondacks was downright thrilling. To be fair, thanks to rare bird alerts and eBird, I knew they are often seen there, along with a number of other far north birds that venture down into NY...however, knowing they were there and actually seeing them and getting photographs is a very different matter.

There were a lot of chickadees around too and some warblers. However, the only warbler I "got" was a Yellow-rumped, and the chicks did not come out far enough for me to ascertain whether they were Black-capped or Boreal.

Still...what a day! Good company too.....and we did see moose here and there. 

from Northview Diary

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