Monday, September 18, 2017

Natural Beauty & Wellness in Oslo – My Personal Army

Coming from the eco-beauty and wellness mecca of Vancouver, Canada, it is needless to say I was at a total loss when I arrived in Norway a few years back without a new army of natural beauty and wellness stops in Oslo. Need a colonic? Forget it! Want to get your eyebrows done? Wait until Summer holidays in Canada...

For years, I continued getting my eyebrows and hair done on every trip home to Canada - I simply hadn't found where the right fit in Oslo yet. Not only that, every trip home (and every work trip to NYC), I'd arrive to a room stacked with boxes from my favourite shops in the US and Canada and dutifully fill up my suitcase (or in some cases, "suitcases") with my favourite superfoods, beauty finds and eco-chic accessories.

I've finally started to feel a bit settled when it comes to getting my hair done, and taking care of my health and wellness in the city that I currently call home, so I thought I'd share with you all my Top Places for eco-beauty and wellness in the city of Oslo. This post also comes as an inspiration following my beautiful colleague who suggested it - and is new to Norway, thus facing a lot of the same trials I had when I first moved here.

And so, without further adieu, here's my Oslo Personal Beauty Army list.

Green Beauty Shops in Oslo & Online in Norway

For online and offline shopping, my green beauty go-to's are growing.

Right now, my favourites: is one of the best when it comes to stocking my favourite skincare from around the globe. For example, they're the only one in Norway carrying my fave Plume Science's Lash & Brow enhancing serum.

Heaven Scent Eger

Down in the beautiful department store Eger, you will find a beautifully curated Heaven Scent, which carries a tonne of green beauty finds that you will love and admire as much as I. Think RMS & Tata Harper, just down the block from you!

Gimle Parfymeri

In the fancy streets of Frogner, you'll find the Gimle Parfymeri, which has an "organic" side, stocked with wonderful brands that have been carefully curated for your green shopping pleasure. Check them out here.

Best Hair Stylist in Oslo

For hair, I trust one man, his name: Andrés Klovstad (don't forget the accent on the e - you've been warned, hah!). He's a talent to say the least, and knows how to turn my long hair (lovingly referred to by my mother as "amish style") into something with a banging body.

Find him at Gevir Salon in Oslo. Find Andrés at Thorvald Meyers gate 15, and book ahead. I don't do colour, so if you're seeking out natural colouring, please bring your own (and discuss with Andrés first)!

Natural Brows Shaping & Hair Removal in Oslo

I don't let anyone but Khushi Chawla do my facial hair - she does it out of her home (and also does sugaring / threading and facials). She is my hair removal favourite in this city and threads "seamlessly." I prefer threading on my brows as it doesn't stress the delicate skin around the eyes (which can lead to unnecessary stretching of the skin). She also does natural sugaring to remove the hair, so you're never using toxic artificial waxes on your skin.

Everything is super sanitary and she uses a new pot of sugar for the "sensitive areas." You'll need to call and make an appointment in advance, since she operates out of her home (Trelastgata 21). Email her at

Natural Facials in Oslo

My facialist is only in Oslo for 2 weeks / month, so you need to make an appointment in advance. Shirley of Sund Hud is amazing, and uses only the best natural products, as well as the bio-peeling machine. You can read more about that on my Instagram. She is between Copenhagen and Oslo each month, so you can also find her when you're across the pond. She ends the treatment with lovely ISUN products.

Natural Healing & Wellness

I am a big fan of healing ailments naturally (big surprise?). Healing what's going on, on the inside has everything to do with what is going on, on the outside. Acne, weight gain, psoriasis and the likes all start beyond the surface of the skin. Here are my favourite Oslo healers:


For acupuncture when I'm having a difficult moon cycle, or any other health issue that's tough, my go-to is Katharina Nes at Akupunktur Huset.

Energy Work

Mesedeh Dakini is a healer. She works with cupping and energy healing. Find her via her Instagram. She works out of her home, and she fills up fast (especially around full or new moons). The photo above is a few days following a treatment with her. It doesn't hurt, rather, it relieves pain.


For when something is out of alignment, Morten Berg at Oslo Osteopati is your go to - again he books up fast, so you will need to get your first appointment several weeks in advance.


Working with something more emotional? Like a breakup or other big life transition? Meet Anne Grethe from InnerLife Senter, who works in unorthodox ways to help you heal. She also runs workshops around mindfulness and stress reduction. Contact her directly here.

Energy, Shamanic Healing & Astrology Chart Reading

I recommend a dear bestie, Tonje Naess, who works with natural healing - specifically she works with energy and shamanic healing as well as reads astrological charts. She's not in Oslo often but can offer many of her services online. Find her here.

Homeopath & Reflexology

For homeopathic doctors, who works with functional herbs and homeopathic remedies, I seek out the advice of Helene Moxheim from Balderkliniken. Find her here.

Colonics & Cleansing

Every 6 months, I head over to Tveitan Klinikken for a cleanse. This is great for ridding yourself of toxins and helping clear the skin. Try to get in with owner Marianne, who always has a good story to tell.

Float Tank

Yes, there are float tanks in Oslo, and you will find them at BareFlyt. It is pure relaxation for 1 hour, where you are silently immersed in a salt water pod that feels kind of like.. well, the womb. Chill out and drop the mind clutter. Check them out in Sagene, and online here.



Most of you know I'm a certified yoga teacher, so I'm partial (of course) to the studio I teach at: Leela Yoga. Come down and take a class with me in Grunnerlokka - find the schedule here.

Hope you enjoyed this follow up to my outdated, but popular post "Natural in Norway", I bring you my Norwegian green beauty & wellness army. I suppose I should probably also write the same post for Vancouver, LA, NYC and Paris...

Oh, and if there is something I'm missing and need to check out - post below!!! Who is in your Person Beauty Army?



The post Natural Beauty & Wellness in Oslo – My Personal Army appeared first on Living Pretty, Naturally.

from Living Pretty, Naturally

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