Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I Stepped Out

Into this eerie green and yellow light, hoping to somehow capture it on camera. (Fail) I am supposed to be working on the Farm Side, but some weeks it is a struggle even when I know what I want to say....this is one of those. (Fail again.)

As I opened the back porch door a Ruby-throated Hummingbird paused in mid-flight to inspect me....and stayed....and stayed.....almost within the door opening.

We contemplated each other, her bright fringe of white edges on her tail feathers glowing against the greeny-black of the mulberry trees. How apt to name these tiny birds after jewels. Even without the gleaming red gorget of the males, this little bird fairly burst with colors like diamonds and emeralds and bright obsidian. When she finally flew it was obviously reluctantly. She kept buzzing back at me.

I took down the feeder last week, as the nectar seemed to be spoiling too quickly, and with the plethora of flowers, the birds weren't visiting much anyhow.

She doesn't seem to hold any hard feelings though. Or maybe she just wanted me to go away so she could visit the bright red geranium hanging there by the back door......who knows....

Btw, I see as many hummers up in the fields and in my favorite warbler spot as I do down here near the house...maybe more...they are intrepid little creatures for sure. I'm going to miss them....

from Northview Diary http://ift.tt/2xLjoqF

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